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Sunday 13 October 2024

The True History of India! How and why our ancient history polluted&distorted by British colonials?

 Unmasking the Distortion: The True History of India

Indian civilization, one of the oldest living cultures in the world, is rich with extraordinary achievements, profound philosophies, and remarkable figures who have shaped not just a nation, but human history. However, this illustrious narrative has, over time, been marred by the imposition of false narratives, deliberate obfuscations, and a systematic erasure of its great kings, scientists, rishis (sages), and poets from the annals of history.

The Evidence of Our Ancestors

Reconstructing the history of such an ancient civilization is not a simple endeavor. The groundwork is laid by a variety of evidence, including ancient texts, geological and archaeological findings, coins, and inscriptions. Among these, the ancient texts are often treated as primary evidence, providing insights that have been indiscriminately dismissed by scholars of Western descent.

The Puranas, Vedic scriptures, and epics like the Mahabharata and Ramayana hold valuable knowledge trapped within their verses. Unfortunately, many Western historians adopted a dismissive stance toward these texts, erroneously branding them as mythical fabrications. This rejection of evidence resulted in a gap in understanding and has led to a major distortion of India's historical timeline.

Motivations Behind Historical Manipulation

Pandit Venkatachalam brings to light the underlying motivations behind this distortion, particularly highlighting the perspectives of European Indologists. Many of these scholars, entrenched in their Christian beliefs, were uncomfortable with the Hindu cosmology depicting our current era as the 28th Kaliyuga—a belief that suggested a universe aged around 195 crore years. In contrast, the Biblical canon asserted that creation occurred in a tightly defined timeframe—specifically, in October 4004 BCE.

This theological conflict prompted a revisionist approach: once prominent figures like William Jones, in consultation with contemporaries such as Warren Hastings, began editing and altering historical timelines to fit this narrow worldview. Events and figures from Indian history were forcefully aligned, misleadingly connected where necessary, while significant portions were simply discarded.

Interventions in Indian History

The imposition of a Biblical timeline meant that Indian history had to be reinterpreted through a lens that suited Western narratives. This orchestration led to conspicuous interventions:

  • Disregarding Indigenous Texts: Indian historical texts were deemed unreliable, leading to a preference for vague accounts from foreign travelers, such as Megasthenes and Hiuen Tsang, whose observations were often taken out of context.
  • Misidentifying Historical Figures: Figures such as Mahapadmananda, Chandragupta, and Bindusara of the Maurya dynasty were incorrectly placed alongside Alexander the Great to create a points of reference, while the historical essence of the Gupta dynasty, which produced renowned scholars, was diluted.
  • Tampering with Artifacts: Coins and inscriptions were manipulated to serve revised narratives. Significant texts like Rajatarangini endured alterations that obscured the true timeline and contributions of kings like Raja Vikramaditya of Ujjain.

The Aftermath of Historical Distortion

The ramifications of these distortions have far-reaching consequences. Prominent figures and events were systematically misrepresented or erased. For instance:

  • Buddha was erroneously relocated from 1887 BCE to the 6th Century BCE.
  • Chandragupta Maurya, a pivotal figure in Indian unification, saw his timeline altered from 1534 BCE to 327 BCE.
  • Adi Shankaracharya was pushed from 509 BCE to 788 CE, instead of retaining his revered position in Indian philosophy.

·         Buddha got pushed from 1887 BCE to the 6th Century BCE

·         Chandragupta Maurya got pushed from 1534 BCE to 327 BCE

·         Adi Sankaracharya got pushed from 509 BCE to 788 CE

·         Gupta dynasty got pushed from 327 BCE well into CE

·         Raja Vikramaditya of Ujjain, Salivahana and the Agni Vamsa kings were entirely removed from

Such manipulations extend even to the Gupta dynasty, which, with its cultural resurgence and advancements in science and arts, was inaccurately shoved into the timeline of the Common Era, hence negating thousands of years of rich history.

Conclusion: Reclaiming Our Heritage

It is imperative to confront and dismantle these meticulous deceptions prevalent in historical narrations. Acknowledging the existence and contributions of Indian historical figures and events is crucial in reinstating the real legacy of this ancient civilization. Scholars, historians, and citizens alike must delve back into the ancient texts, embrace archaeological findings, and scrutinize existing narratives to pave a way for a reconciled understanding of India's illustrious past.

In reclaiming this heritage, we not only honor the monumental figures who shaped our civilization but also foster a greater understanding of humanity’s collective history—a tapestry woven from diverse threads, interlinked by time and shared experience. As we strive for clarity and recognition, we must uphold that history is not merely the past but the foundation upon which future generations will build.