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Friday 3 August 2012


Bija mantras

Ancient indians adept at science of sound. with phonetics they invented  fine  tuning of the mind to condition it and control it.
In our universe energy is in different states of frequencies. depending on HZ, we call it sound,light & as other names of EM radiation.
as per our hindu shastras, the various types of manifested and unmanifested energies in this universe are used to called as dieties.
in physics,you know about " resonance",which is one of the  property of sound.

"one media with same frequency of energy stimulate and simulate same HZ in another media". 
our ancient seers perceived various sounds relevant to various godly energies and various nadi chakras of our etheral body.

Ancient seers perceived the various  energy frequencies (i.e devatas or dieties) in form of sound (mantra),in the geometrical form ( yantra) 
and in gross form ( idol or energised statue )

Beej Mantras are single character Mantras which are as capable as any bigger Mantra. Sanskrit is called the language of gods because every character of Devnagari, current script for Sanskrit, is a Beej Mantra. Beej Mantras are free from all restriction; there are no rules, no rosary or Yantra is required and no diksha is necessary. And best of all, these can be recited mentally anywhere while doing anything. To recite mentally, imagine to be hearing the Mantra again and again in own voice.
Crown OM

Pronounce it by inhaling audibly through your nostrils, and direct the stream of air to the point between your eyebrows. Pronounce the sound along with your exhalation as a subtly audible whisper, allowing the sound and breath to resonate in the cranial area.

Third eye SHAM

Pronounced shum , this sound is formed in the later part of the palate.

Throat HAM

Pronounce it by inhaling noiselessly through your mouth, and pronounce the sound like the word yum (as in yummy); allow the sound along with your breath to fill your mouth and throat cavity.

Heart YAM

Pronounce it by inhaling audibly through your mouth, and pronounce the word hum (as in humming); allow the breath to extend beyond the resolution of the consonant.

Navel RAM

Place the tip of your tongue on the roof of the front section of the upper palate, roll the like in Spanish, and pronounce the mantra like the first part of the word rum-ble.

Sacral VAM

Place the upper set of teeth on the inner section of your lower lip and begin with a breathy consonant to imitate the sound of a fast car. Pronounce the mantra like "fvam"

Base LAM

Curve the tip of your tongue up and back, and place it on the rear section of the upper palate to pronounce a sound like the word alumwithout the initial .

Bija Mantra have their root in the Hindu monist tradition, they are learned better with the help of a guru for initiation.

Beej Mantras are available for each deity or god, thus have solution for any situation.One of the best example of their power is the Bhuvaneshwari Mahavidya Mantra - Hreem which is a Beej Mantra. The method is simple. Pick a Beej Mantra of your liking or based on the situation, and recite it as much as you can till the problem is solved. You can do it in office, in gym, in restaurant and even while sleeping.
Pick a Beej Mantra of your liking or based on the situation, and recite it as much as you can till the problem is solved.

Kali: Kreem

For realization for Goddess Kali, health, strength, protection, elimination of enemies, solution of grave problems and all round success. Also creates a strongbase for Kali Mahavidya Sadhana.

Mahalaxmi: Shreem

For realization for Goddess Mahalaxmi, wealth, material gains, success in business or profession, elimination of ailments & worries, protection, gettinga beautiful wife, happy married life and all roundsuccess. Also creates a strong base for other Mahalaxmi Sadhanas.

Shiv: Hroum

For realization for Lord Shiv, protection from deadlydiseases, immortality, moksh and all round success. Also creates a strong base for Mahamrutyunjay Sadhana.

Durga: Doom (D As In Durga)

For realization for Goddess Durga, power, strength, protection, health, wealth, victory, wisdom, knowledge, elimination of enemies & grave problems, happy married life and all round success. Also createsa strong base for other Durga Sadhanas, ShaktiS adhanas and Mahavidya Sadhanas.

Bhuvaneshwari: Hreem

For realization for Goddess Bhuvaneshwari, getting everything including but not limited to Kundalini Jagran. The best and the most powerful. This also the Mantra for Bhuvaneshwari Mahavidya Sadhana. Alsocreates a strong base for all sadhanas.

Saraswati: Ayeim

For realization of Goddess Saraswati, knowledge, wisdom, success in exams, pleasure and all round success. Also creates a strong base for other Saraswati sadhanas.

Ganapati: Gam

For realization of Lord Ganapati, knowledge, wisdom, protection, fortune, happiness, health, wealth, elimination of all obstacles and all round success. Also creates a strong base for other Ganapatisadhanas.

Hanuman: Fraum

For realization of Lord Hanuman, unlimited strength, power, protection, wisdom, happiness, elimination ofbad spirits & ghosts, victory over enemies and allround success. Also creates a strong base for otherHanuman sadhanas.

Vishnu: Dam

For realization of Lord Vishnu, wealth, health, protection, happy married life, happiness, victory and all round success. Also creates a strong base for other Vishnu sadhanas.

Bhairav: Bhram

For realization of Lord Bhairav, success in Mahavidya or Shakti sadhanas, strength, protection, victory, health, wealth, happiness, fame, success in courtcases, elimination of enemies, success in Shmashansadhanas and all round success. Also creates a strong base for other Bhairav sadhanas.

Dhoomavati: Dhoom

For realization of Goddess Dhoomavati, quick elimination of all adversaries, strength, fortune, protection, health, wealth and all round success. Alsocreates a strong base for Dhoomavati Mahavidya sadhana.

Bagalamukhi: Hleem

For realization of Goddess Bagalamukhi, quickelimination of all enemies, fierce power, victory, fame, elimination of Tantra badha, nullifying maranproyogs of enemies and all round success. Also createsa strong base for Bagalamukhi Mahavidya sadhana.

Tara: Treem, Streem

For realization of Goddess Tara, unending monetarygain, unlimited wealth, fortune, fame, happiness, victory and all round success. Also creates a strongbase for Tara Mahavidya sadhana.

Narsimha: Kshraum, Nrim

For realization of Lord Narsimha, quick victory overenemies, elimination of enemies, fortune and all roundsuccess. Also creates a strong base for other Narsimhasadhanas.

Nikhileshwaranand: Nim, Nam

Paramhans Swami Nikhileshwaranand is a Legend. He has all the powers, all the siddhis, yet he is very much accessible. There are millions of deities, gods and powers; and numerous sadhanas for them; but, the secret of acquiring everything in one go is the Guru Power. Also creates a strong base for all sadhanas.

Kuber: Dhham

For realization of Lord Kuber, massive monetary gain, wealth, fortune and all round success. Also creates astrong base for other Kuber sadhanas.

Akash Tatva: Ham

For activating the Akash Tatva (Eather element) in us which gets us siddhis and eliminates ailments related 
to this element. Activation of all elements leads to quicker awakening of Kundalini and enables 
a sadhak to access all supernatural powers.

Agni Tatva: Ram

For activating the Agni Tatva (Fire element) in us which gets us siddhis and eliminates ailments related to this element. Activation of all elements leads to quicker awakening of Kundalini and enables a sadhak to access all supernatural powers.

Vayu Tatva: Yam

For activating the Vayu Tatva (Air element) for siddhis and eliminates ailments related to this element. Activation of all elements leads toquicker awakening of Kundalini and enables a sadhak to access all supernatural powers.

Prithvi Tatva: Ksham

For activating the Prithvi Tatva (Earth element) in us which gets us siddhis and eliminates ailments related to this element. Activation of all elements leads to quicker awakening of Kundalini and enables a sadhak to access all supernatural powers.

Shanti (Peace): Tam

For getting rid of disease, worry, fear and illusions.

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