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Sunday 4 November 2012

is religion and spirituality are same?

Religion is based on belief system. the belief  either may dependent on desire,greed and  anger  or dependent on pure trust on customs and rituals aiming to reach god.
Religion tells people about super human things and god. about virtuosity. about moral code. for that  it preaches and inculcate and imbibe the various beliefs,customs, rituals,procedures to make the man dependent on religious cult.
Religion plays on lower brain (instincts) and ingrain pattern of beliefs in the human behavior.
The religion promotes strict  ritual source code.
Religion instills fear and dependency in the man, for the good or bad.
Religion is an amalgamation of customs developed according to the needs and circumstances.
Religion acts with limbic system,thalamus and amygdala (lower brain).
Religion is instinct based concept.
Religion is taught by others.
Religion promotes discipline.
Religion instills fear and encourage escapism.
Spirituality is individual based learning and training process which has to be implemented in daily life.
 it is not only  knowing about the god but its knowing the god.
spirituality is molding of the inner core of personality & character in harmony with the nature and other life beings.
spirituality is vibrating our heart in harmony with non-dual and detached way of perception.
spirituality is experiencing the abstract and real reality and real truth .
spirituality is using right brain profoundly.
spirituality is a journey from left brain to right brain predominance.
spirituality is not based on beliefs which works on objective reasoning. it works with trust which is subjective experience.
Spirituality is unlearning of fear and prejudice.
spirituality is inner transformation of mindset.
spirituality promotes concern&care with love.

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